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14 x 12mm, Lavender Ametrine Oval

Price :

  • SKU : 4312
  • Products Carat Weight : 6.82 Total Carat Weight (TCW)
  • Units in Stock : 1


6.82 Cts of Lavender Ametrine in a oval Cut

14 x 12mm, Lavender Ametrine oval

Gorgeous, Lots of life in the color, Great Cut, lots of Sparkle


  • Dealer Offering Item for Sale: New Directions - Gems


    Ametrine is a gem type many havent heard of but should definatly consider as it’s beautful, unique, and uncommon. An incredibly rare form of quartz, Ametrine is formed when Citrine and Amethyst combine during formation. There are actually very few occurances of yellow gemstones in nature and while Ammethyst is widely avaiable Citrine isn’t. With limmited occuurneces of Citrine the occurance of Ametrine is even rarer. This Bi-Color stone is not only gorgious it is incredibly affordable and its color display is fashionable and modern.

  • Quartz which occurs in bands of yellow and purple has been given the name of ametrine (amethyst + citrine). These stones are typically eye clean and transparent and once they are cut and polished they posess a vitrious luster. The Faceted Gems are often found in unique Shapes like Rhomb Facet, uniquely arranged Step Cuts, and Cushion Cuts like the Cushion Checkerboard all of which are shown above. With Ametrine the quality of the cut and the arrangements of the colors are truly important factors for the stones final aesthetic. Initially cutters favored windowed emerald shapes with a 50/50 split of colors, and much of the rough is still cut this way. More recently, however, some cutters have begun to cut a variety of shapes, many of which create internal reflections that blend the yellow and purple into attractive shades of rosy gold and mauve, or create mosaic-like flashes of both yellow and purple.

    Meaning of Ametrine is inner strength. Ametrine is a variety of quartz crystal, amplifying the energy of its owner. The color of this gemstone is a mixture of the yellow color of Citrine blended with the purple color of Amethyst.

  • Cost per Carat Selling Price: $ 9.04
  • Ametrine Specifications:
    • Gem Species: QUARTZ
    • Hardness: 7 -
    • Density: 2650
    • RI: 1.54 - 1.533
  • Size: 14 (L) X 12 (W) mm
  • Cut: oval
  • Calibrated Gemstone: Yes.
  • Carat Weight: 6.82 Carats Ave
  • Overall Grade: AAA-
  • Clarity Description: IF - Internally Flawless: Free on inclusions under 10x magnification.
  • Clarity Breakdown: Internally flawless, meaning that the stone was examined under a microscope of at least 40x magnification and no inclusions were seen.
  • Cutting Breakdown: Brilliance with a precision cut. Stone has equal and symmetrical faceting with proper cutting angles "critical angle"
  • Carat Breakdown: Average in Carat Weight for this size stone (+/- 5%).
  • Photo Clarity Breakdown: Color is Excellent, Image is Sharp, & Background is Close to True.
  • Photo Taken without Flash.
  • Photo shows Multiple views of gemstones.
  • Pricing based on single gemstone.
  • Note: Photo taken with gemstone holder with cloth background.
  • The gemstone is so reflective that you can see a little Flash from Normal room lighting. Gemstones have a high light translucency nature, so it's makes it harder to take a photo with out some Flash (Very High Reflection)..
  • Very Clean the Photo doesn't do the gemstone justice.
  • Photo doesn't bring out the Clarity, Color & sparkle of the Gemstone.
  • We grade each gemstone for Color, Clarity, cut, and Carat weight. We try to define / analysis each gemstone and photo taken (all photo are of the gemstone itself not a general stone photo) to help you make a better decision.
  • These photos are intended to provide you with an accurate visual representation of the gem.
  • Photo's taken with a macro lens, which may make the gemstone look larger in some views..
  • Combining of views also may make gemstone look different sizes.
  • All photos are the exactly the gemstone pictured, minus any display items. Photos are likely not actual size; please see item description for dimensions. If there is a defect not discernible in the pictures, it will be included in the text. , Please keep in mind that the prismatic reflective properties of gems will often produce varying degrees of color and what colors you see, someone else may not. If there is a concern or doubt, please ask prior to purchase. Remember that color is a very tricky thing to transmit electronically. There are many variables, including lighting, background, physical filters, digital filters, the capabilities of the monitor on which the image is displayed, and the color perception of the viewer.
  • Click on the photo to enlarge photo for better detail.
  • Check out the mult views of the gemstones..