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18.39 x 11.96 x 5.81 mm,Turtle Shaped Mawsitsit-Carved

Price :

  • SKU : 5533
  • Products Carat Weight : 7.97 Total Carat Weight (TCW)
  • Units in Stock : 1


7.97 Cts of Mawsitsit in a Carved Cut

18.39 x 11.96 x 5.81 mm,Turtle Shaped Mawsitsit-Carved

Outstanding Carving, Great detail, Nice Size - One of a kind


  • Dealer Offering Item for Sale: New Directions - Gems


    Maw-sit-sit is a green gemstone that was named "maw-sit-sit" after the village where it was found in Northern Burma. Maw-sit-sit w

    Maw-sit-sit is a green gemstone that was named "maw-sit-sit" after the village where it was found in Northern Burma. Maw-sit-sit was discovered in 1963 by a Swiss gemologist called Dr Edward Gubelin. It is sometimes referred to as a variety of jadeite, but strictly speaking, maw-sit-sit is not jadeite, though it contains jadeite and is mined in the same area as imperial jadeite. Jadeite is a mineral, whereas maw-sit-sit is a rock. The dominant mineral of maw-sit-sit is kosmochlor and this sets it apart from jadeite, which is sodium aluminum silicate. Therefore, maw-sit-sit is best considered to be related to jadeite. The kosmochlor component of maw-sit-sit is what gives it a beautiful emerald-green color with blackish-green patches. Maw-sit-sit is also sometimes referred to as "chloromelanite" or "jade albite", which are names given to rock composed of varying amounts of jadeite, albite feldspar and other minerals.

  • So far, maw-sit-sit has only been found in the jade mining region of Northern Burma (Myanmar) known as Tawmaw. Therefore, it is a rare rock and high quality materials command high prices.
  • Maw-sit-sit is a vivid emerald-green to dark-green color, usually with dark-green patches or veins. The patches can appear so dark that they look black. Sometimes the patches are white. The best quality material has an emerald-green hue.
  • Maw-sit-sit is an opaque gemstone with a vitreous (glassy) to oily (greasy) luster. In thin slices it can exhibit slight translucency.
  • Maw-sit-sit is not currently known to be enhanced or treated in any way.
  • Maw-sit-sit is usually cut en cabochon or carved due to its opacity. It is not usually faceted. This is because the luster of maw-sit-sit is displayed to its best advantage when it is not faceted. It is also drilled to make beads and pendants. Maw-sit-sit can also be carved into exquisite ornaments.
  • Mawsitsit Specifications:
    • Gem Species: Metasmorphic rock
    • Hardness: 6 -
    • Density:
    • RI: -
  • Size: 18.4 (L) X 11.96 (W) mm
  • Cut: Carved
  • Calibrated Gemstone: No.
  • Carat Weight: 7.97 Carats TCW
  • Overall Grade: N/A
  • Clarity Description: Opaque gemstone so Clarity not able to define
  • Clarity Breakdown: Opaque gemstone so Clarity not able to define.
  • Cutting Breakdown: Exceptional brilliance with a precision Carving.
  • Carat Breakdown: Average in Carat Weight for this size stone (+/- 5%).
  • Photo Clarity Breakdown: Color is Excellent, Image is Sharp, & Background is Close to True.
  • Photo Taken without Flash.
  • Photo shows Multiple views of a single gemstone.
  • Pricing based on single gemstone.
  • Photo taken with gemstone Display Box with white background.
  • The gemstone is so reflective that you can see Flash from Normal room lighting. Due to the luster of the gemstones, so it's makes it harder to take a photo with out some Flash (Very High Reflection).
  • It is sometimes referred to as a variety of jadeite, but strictly speaking, maw-sit-sit is not jadeite, though it contains jadeite and is mined in the same area as imperial jadeite.
  • We grade each gemstone for Color, Clarity, cut, and Carat weight. We try to define / analysis each gemstone and photo taken (all photo are of the gemstone itself not a general stone photo) to help you make a better decision.
  • These photos are intended to provide you with an accurate visual representation of the gem.
  • Photo's taken with a macro lens, which may make the gemstone look larger in some views..
  • Combining of views also may make gemstone look different sizes.
  • All photos are the exactly the gemstone pictured, minus any display items. Photos are likely not actual size; please see item description for dimensions. If there is a defect not discernible in the pictures, it will be included in the text. , Please keep in mind that the prismatic reflective properties of gems will often produce varying degrees of color and what colors you see, someone else may not. If there is a concern or doubt, please ask prior to purchase. Remember that color is a very tricky thing to transmit electronically. There are many variables, including lighting, background, physical filters, digital filters, the capabilities of the monitor on which the image is displayed, and the color perception of the viewer.
  • Click on the photo to enlarge photo for better detail.
  • Check out the mult views of the gemstones..